Image by afagen via FlickrI read an excerpt from a Dave Barry book where he reflects on guys, as opposed to men. What got me about this was that I started reflecting from the very first sentence, because what Barry was focusing on was how guys are often irrational and illogical. This is what often makes them incomprehensible to women (like me). One thing I've noticed from my parents is that in a couple, some guys may lose their common sense entirely and suddenly when a whim strikes them (I say "some" and "may" so that you won't accuse me of making sweeping sexist generalizations). My dad once changed the oil in the lawnmower -- in the living room! The beige carpet was ruined (of course. Duh.), and my mother remained speechless for three days. I mean, she didn't say a word to anyone. At the time I wondered what she could say that wasn't completely obvious. I still don't know.