Monday, April 15, 2013

The Moment of Truth

Виньетка: герои "Илиады" Гомера. С о...
Виньетка: герои "Илиады" Гомера. С оригинала Г.В. Тишбейна (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Today is my conference about revising my draft.  I barely finished it in time for class last Wednesday, but there were plenty of other people who didn't make it at all, so I felt better about it.  I'm still not happy with my thesis, but I thought I did a good job on the scenes I analyzed.  I also think that she's going to tell me that I need to find another source on groups of heroes working together, and I sure hope she can recommend one, because I've had real trouble finding any material on it.  Maybe I should look at books about The Iliad, which has lotsa heroes-  Achilles, Ajax, Odysseus (my Zemanta feed just kicked in with over a dozen recent articles and posts, all on The Iliad). 

The peer review I got was okay.  The paper I reviewed was only 4 pages long, and didn't make much sense to me -- I told the guy he should look at a scene I remembered from his movie (300), and I thought for a moment that he didn't see why.  Then he seemed to get it, so maybe I helped.  Hope so.

Fingers crossed for today.  I'm hoping I won't have too much revising to do.  I've got stuff due in all my classes.
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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

4 AM Reflections on Writing, of all things

English: Scan of Ellesmere manuscript of Cante...
English: Scan of Ellesmere manuscript of
Canterbury Tales. The first page of
Knight's Tale. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I'm so stressed over my project and my other classes that I'm having trouble sleeping.  I woke up at 2:30, and I'm not having any luck getting back to sleep, which sucks, because I've got an 8am class today.  So I've been doing what I usually do, surfing the web, and I came across a blog posting on, which is a film site that is big on s/f and fantasy-type films, especially ones with a high pop-culture quotient, like The Avengers.  Anyway, they had a retro-review of A Knight's Tale that must have been posted by another insomniac, and I decided to comment on it.

This is a first for me.  I've never commented on anything before, and even now, it kind of makes me nervous, just the way this blog does.  I would never have started a blog on my own if it hadn't been a requirement of a course, because I feel as though I'm asking to be judged by others when I put my work out there.  It's uncomfortable, thinking about strangers reading what I write, but I guess doing this blog all semester has made me less worried about what other people think of my writing.

Still don't feel sleepy.  I'll try working on my draft some more -- no point in wasting this time. 
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