It made me crazy: after 8 weeks of researching and thinking and writing, this was the best he could do? It was supposed to be a second or third draft, but it barely qualified as prewriting. How does he think he's going to pass the course. From now on, every time I think that I'm getting obsessive about school, I am going to remember him as the perfect example of how not to succeed.
This blog is meant to be used as an example for first-year composition students. Rhonda is a fictional community college student who will perpetually be taking the two-course sequence. This is her online writing and research journal (her 2012 research entries run from 1/20-5/5/2012; Eng101 reading journal that year runs from 8/22-12/5/12). For an explanation of the course, see below for Rethinking Teaching the Research Paper.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Another Thought about Another Writer
It made me crazy: after 8 weeks of researching and thinking and writing, this was the best he could do? It was supposed to be a second or third draft, but it barely qualified as prewriting. How does he think he's going to pass the course. From now on, every time I think that I'm getting obsessive about school, I am going to remember him as the perfect example of how not to succeed.
Peer review,
Thesis statement
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