Sunday, May 20, 2012

Rethinking Teaching the Research Paper

Term Paper Galore
Term Paper Galore (Photo credit:
Bright Green Pants)
Rhonda is taking a brief vacation before the summer term begins, so this seems like a good time to explain a few things.  This blog began as nothing more than an example of a first-year composition student's research journal, but along the way I've received comments and emails from other instructors all across the country, and the question most of them have has to do with my assignment for the research project.  I'll have to give a brief background as to how I arrived at this point.

Like most of us who teach the first-year comp courses, I began by allowing students to select their own topics (with the usual few taboos), most of which had no academic significance, and then I watched most of them flounder around as they produced papers that didn't do what research papers are supposed to do and were quite boring on top of it.  Additionally, I could not guide them as well as I wanted to, since I generally had little expertise in their topic areas (i.e., I didn't know the important scholars in the field, and so on).  This situation was not preparing them at all for the reality they would be facing in other courses as they went on.  Imagine a sociology class, for example, where you were told that you could pick any topic! 

After a few years of frustration, I began looking for ideas on how to give them a more realistic assignment, one that could be accomplished within the time available both inside and outside the course.  This was not an easy task, for many reasons.  First of all, how could I give them a realistic paper assignment without having to teach what would essentially be another course within the course?  I thought back to my own experience as a first-year student, and I realized that what I had been taught about teaching this course in grad school was nothing like the way I had learned to write a research paper back in 1974.

When I started college at what is now UIC but was then the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Campus (I still think of it as Circle), I was a sulky 17 year old with a load of adolescent resentment.  So, when I looked over the section list for the research paper course, I selected one that had the intriguing title, "Visions of Hell."  It fit my mood.  It was taught by a doctoral student, whose name I cannot now recall, and over the ten-week term (Circle was on a quarter system rather than semesters) we read several works of literature that had to do with, well, visions of hell.  The research paper assignment was to pick a particular work and analyze its specific vision of hell based on criteria that we developed in class as well as criteria we found through research.

In the intervening years, the idea of the research paper course being a literature course gradually began to die out, for a bunch of reasons that I won't go into here, and I think this was part of the problem.  I was taught to write a paper that analyzed a specific object (in my case, a work of literature, but it could have been a population, a natural phenomenon, a political event, whatever) using a method developed from authoritative sources in relevant areas in order to arrive at -- tah dah!-- new knowledge.  The fact that I learned this using a work of literature did not matter:  the overall concept is the same for anything under analysis, in any discipline.

At my current school, where I cannot require students to buy additional texts beyond the mandated ones (which are not literature-based), I had to come up with an assignment that would rely on material available to them without purchase.  A few quick in-class surveys revealed that my students ALL had access to films, which they also enjoyed (a plus when you are already making them read a lot of unfamiliar and often difficult material in their research).  I'm a film buff myself, so I went with that.  I set aside three or four class periods to do a brief lecture/demo of several critical approaches (gender, cultural, and disability studies, myth crit, and shame theory) and prepared a list of films (ones I either owned or could borrow from family or friends) divided into those approach categories. 

The results, so far, are almost all positive, and the best one has to be that my drop rate has gone down dramatically.  Most of my students are finishing the course with a passing grade, and all of them are producing actual scholarly work, creating new knowledge.  It's rarely breathtaking new knowledge, but they are saying things about these films that nobody has said before them.  Their critical thinking and revision skills are vastly improved, based on what I've read of their work.

Of course, there are some negatives, mostly coming out of them being pushed out of their comfort zones.  They come in expecting to do the same kind of research they did in high school, and some of them like to blame me for making them work harder than that.  That hasn't changed from the method I used before.  Overall, I'm pleased with the way things are going, but I've been making constant adjustments in the course since making the switch.

So, if you were wondering what Rhonda was talking about in some of her posts, the mystery is solved.  I am collecting data as I go along with an eye to an eventual article.  We'll see how it goes.

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Angry Men (Last Post for the Semester)

Angry Penguin
Angry Penguin (Photo credit:
I wrote the following last night and sent it off to my prof, just making the midnight deadline.

I learned a lot this term about men and anger, and I wasn't the only one.  One of my classmates did her analysis on the film Training Day, based on her belief that the main character's need to "lash out" came from issues with his father (who was not in the home when he was growing up).  According to what she found, there is considerable cultural support for that kind of behavior; she referred to a song by Tupac Shakur about the problem that fully described the emotions involved. 
Another student (and I can't remember what film he used) was looking at how men rank each other, and anger, that is, not showing anger, was an important factor.  It seems to me that this is actually true across the board, even in the urban setting of Training Day.   I don't enjoy crime dramas, and I think the main reason is that they tend to present people -- both criminals and police --acting out their issues through rage, which I think is a cheap way to heighten drama.  Maybe that's why I prefer science fiction (and westerns, for that matter):  the men in those films tend to need a lot of self-control to get the job done.  And maybe I've learned something else.  Are men who can't control their anger capable of accomplishing anything?   

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My Research Paper Grade

Janette Hughes, UOIT

I got my paper back this morning, and my grade was better than I expected.  Of course, I had fantasized about getting an A, with Dr. Toffee making a nice speech about how my paper had changed the way she thinks about everything on earth, but I knew that wasn't gonna happen.  I got a B+.  In my more reality-based moments, I thought it would be somewhere in the C+ to B- range, so I'm very pleased about it.
On the other hand, now that I read it again, I'm surprised that I didn't get a lower grade.  Just about every comment she made on the paper was right on the money, and I can't believe I didn't see it myself.  Now to get ready for the final.  Only one more journal entry to go for the A+. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Rebecca and The Raven

Edgar Allan Poe's reburial and new monument, O...
Edgar Allan Poe's reburial and new monument,
Oct. 1, 1875. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I was going to write this right after we got back from the movies, but one thing led to another, and I didn't get to it until now.  I learned a lot about Edgar Allan Poe while Rebecca and I were talking about The Raven on the way home (for the record, we both enjoyed it.  A lot.).  For one thing, I found out that she likes to play a Poe video game (you can play it for free at Pogo) that is about Poe's mysterious death, which the movie explains in an interesting way.  Reb says that there is no good explanation anymore, because everyone who might have known went to the grave without talking.  According to her, Poe's drinking problem was not that he drank too much; it was that he became very drunk on very small amounts of liquor, so alcohol poisoning (one of the popular solutions to the mystery) won't fly. 
She cracked up during the pit and the pendulum murder in the movie, because the victim was Rufus Griswold, whom she says is the big villain in Poe's life.  Griswold was a critic who managed somehow to get the rights to Poe's works after he died, and cheated Poe's aunt along with writing a variety of untrue and nasty things about Poe (according to Reb).  She thought it was pretty funny that the filmmakers killed him (and that they killed him that way).  She had a lot more to say about Poe's life, but I need to stop for now.
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