Monday, June 9, 2014

A Haunting Memory

Note to new readers:  this begins Rhonda's 101 journal for Summer 2014.  You can read earlier 101 blogs in the fall 2011 and 2012 postings (start with August).

Finally got my blog set up, and since I haven’t done a reading yet, I’m going to talk about my topic for Project 2, the memoir.  The story I’m going to use is actually my first memory (or so I think).  I remember sleeping on the sofa in my grandmother’s living room in Joliet.  I was about four years old and the windows were open, which they never were at our house.  You could tell it was going to be a hot day, but the breeze was just cool enough for me.  My grandmother came in to wake me, and the next thing I remember is her helping me put my socks on.