Saturday, February 18, 2017

An Embarrassed Baby

This baby is totally outraged.
One more thing about The Tomkins Institute:  they have videos of babies experiencing different emotions.  The one for shame is of a baby having a bath, and it's amazing:  you can tell that the baby is feeling shame.  The video starts with the baby looking sad, and either the mother or the other woman in the room says he looks depressed.  They laugh about that, and then the baby hunches over and looks down.  He stays this way for the rest of the video.  It is kind of funny, but I wished they would stop laughing, because I think the baby thought they were laughing at him and he kept hunching over more as they went on laughing, so much that at one point one of the women becomes a bit concerned that the little boy is going to put his head in the bathwater.  
The baby is rescued by his father, who doesn't laugh.  He talks to the baby in a very sympathetic tone.
This baby has already started using the withdrawal script to deal with shame events.  I'll talk more about what I've found on script theory in another post as soon as possible. 

Looking for articles, I found a gold mine

Got my proposal back yesterday.  B+.  Since I never wrote a proposal before, I think I did really well.  Now I have to get cracking on the research; the definitions essay and the annotated bibliography are coming up fast.  I did some searching after class and found a few things that the prof mentioned during the shame theory lecture.  I started with Silvan Tomkins (she called him "the father of affect theory"), and it turns out that there is a Tomkins Institute.  From the website, it's kind of obvious that he really was a big deal.  The entry page has what I guess is a mission statement, and I have to quote it:
"Silvan Tomkins’s theory of innate, biologically-based affects describes the internal reward system that powers human motivation and explains the systematic, incremental development of emotion, learning, personality and ideology. We at the Tomkins Institute are devoted to testing, advancing, and applying this powerful Human Being Theory."

Maybe it's me, but that seems pretty intimidating.  I read a few things from the "What Tomkins Said" section of the site; my favorite is "The self lives in the face.”  Anyway, this site is a gold mine-- there's lots of people talking about shame in a way that's a bit easier to understand than Tomkins himself.

About the articles below:  I gave Zemanta the keyword "embarrassment," and most of the articles they suggested had something to do with Donald Trump.  I certainly didn't go looking for stuff about him. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What was I thinking?!!

Kylo Ren

Well, I guess I'm still a bit out of it.  I completely forgot that I had to do this, so now I have to catch up.  I can't believe it.  I managed to get my proposal (both the draft and the revision) completed, and I think it turned out pretty well.  I'll find out on Friday.
Anyway, the film I picked for my research project is Star Wars:  The Force Awakens, and my approach is shame theory.  When I first saw the movie, I was shocked when Kylo Ren threw a temper tantrum.  I think everyone in the theater was with me on that.  My first thought was "and that's why we don't let toddlers play with lethal weapons."  Which was silly.  After I read the page on shame theory in our packet, I realized that it explained why he did that. 
I've started on my research, and I'll have more on that later (today, if possible).