Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Essential Scenes in Fellowship of the Ring

Elrond (Photo credit: Dunechaser)
The two scenes I am using for my analysis (so far, that is) are the call to action (the council of Elrond) and Boromir's final test.  I may have to go into his final battle as well; in fact, I think I'll probably have to do that.  At any rate, I'm working on each one separately, which is proving to be the best way:  working on the Rivendell scene, I'm getting ideas for the later scene where Boromir succumbs to the ring and "attacks" Frodo. 

As the scene progresses, each of the heroes reveals his agenda for the quest, and it seems as though the different outcomes are inevitable from that point on, particularly for Frodo, Boromir, and Aragorn.  Since I'm looking at the film as having its own . . . completeness (I can't think what else to call it), the quest of the fellowship as a group ends when the film does, at least for my purposes.  Why this matters is something I will save for my next posting.
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