Saturday, April 2, 2011

My lit review

1970 Pelican 14 020998 0Image by scatterkeir via FlickrAfter I drafted the lit review, I started drafting the analysis, and I discovered that my review wasn't working.  The problem was that I kept talking about things that weren't relevant to the analysis of the two films.  For example, I spent a lot of time covering the problem of stigma in the literature (terrific material from Linton and Goffman) even though I'm not really seeing that much of what my sources are describing.  So, I've already had to revise that section, plus a couple of other things, and I still don't have a complete draft (I've got seven pages I'm happy with, so far).  I'm hoping to reach the conclusion today. 
One good thing is that Dr. Toffee doesn't want us to write an introduction with the draft, so I think I'll be able to submit a full-enough draft for her comments on Tuesday.
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