Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another Thought about Another Writer

Comic on the quality of different methods of p...Image via WikipediaI've spent the last few minutes trying to decompress from finishing my paper, and I can tell that I'm probably not going to get to sleep just yet (only one class today, at 12:30PM, so I may get a nap before then).  I was thinking about the peer review I got on my draft (a bunch of useless, single-word answers to analytic questions), which made me think about the paper I reviewed.  The guy who wrote it (and who reviewed my draft) always shows up to class, but he doesn't take any notes, and his draft was only around 5 pages long.  It made mine look like a masterpiece -- his thesis made no sense (the topic was sustainability) and wasn't arguable, as far as I could see.  After that was introduced, if you can call what he had an introduction, he had a bunch of random quotations (from people he didn't introduce), and he didn't discuss them at all, just went on to making some points-- or trying to. 
It made me crazy:  after 8 weeks of researching and thinking and writing, this was the best he could do?  It was supposed to be a second or third draft, but it barely qualified as prewriting.  How does he think he's going to pass the course.  From now on, every time I think that I'm getting obsessive about school, I am going to remember him as the perfect example of how not to succeed.

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