Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Scene from Avatar

English: Colonel
English: Colonel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The scene I'm using for Project 2 (the textual analysis) is where Jake meets Quaritch for the first time.  I have to say, when you look at this from a disability point of view, a whole bunch of things pop out at you -- in fact, if you don't look at it this way, you might not realize that Quaritch is the villain until later in the film. 
What I've noticed so far is that he seems to be using his able-bodiedness (is that a word?) to intimidate and dominate Jake, which is kind of a rotten thing to do.  He knows that Jake is coming, but instead of seeing him in his office, he's in a small weight room, doing bench presses.  Now, Jake can probably do that, too (he's paralyzed below the waist), however, it seems pretty insensitive at best.  But it gets worse.  Quaritch gets up from the bench and goes out into what looks like a fairly dangerous work area with a lot of machines being worked on, leaving Jake to follow him.  He climbs up into a kind of exoskeleton machine and starts shadow boxing, glancing down (WAY down!) at Jake.  Jake rolls up to a platform next to the machine, and another guy helps him out by elevating the platform so that Jake is at Quaritch's eye level. 
There's a lot more, but for me, the real payoff to this scene is where Quaritch has gotten Jake's agreement to spy for him, and he tells Jake that if this works out, he'll see that Jake gets new legs.  Jake says, "sounds real good," and maybe it does, but the vibe I got from this is that Jake is buying into the medical model and hasn't come to grips with his paralysis in terms of the social model.  Does that make sense?
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