Sunday, November 17, 2013

Kinda/sorta off Topic: NBC's Dracula

Bram Stoker's (1847-1912) Notes on the persona...
Bram Stoker's (1847-1912) Notes on the
personal for his novel Dracula.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
My sister Rebbie used to be a semi-goth; she has pretty good taste in clothes, so she never went the full route on it, but she did wear a lot of black and brood a lot and so on. Anyway, she was watching the new Dracula series the other night, and I tried to watch it with her, but I just couldn't get into it. I don't understand why they have him pretending to be an American, for one thing. Yes, it looks gorgeous, but I'm just not that interested in it. When it was over, I asked her what she saw in it. She said, "I'm trying to make my mind up about it."
That made me feel better. What I'm thinking now is that it almost fits into the neo-mythology genre, except they aren't really telling a new story, at least not so far. The other thing I'm thinking is that the book Stoker wrote has been adapted in a bunch of different ways, but one thing that all of them (as far as I know, since I haven't seen them all, I'm sure) have in common is that there is never a clear hero (the van Helsing character comes closest, but he's usually advising younger men on how to deal with vampires rather than enacting a monomyth), which is the way the book is, too. So, not neo-mythology, but . . .
The difference with this Dracula is that the show follows him as much as it does the other characters, or even more. Maybe that's my problem with it. In a way, it kind of reminds me of The Count of Monte Cristo (the Jim Caviezel one), where the audience is in on his plans. I guess I don't want to know that much about Dracula himself -- I like following all the clues that the characters miss until van Helsing shows up to set them straight. But I can see where that would be a problem for anyone trying to make a series out of it, since it would have to end sooner rather than later, or turn into a soap opera (and maybe that's the vibe I'm getting from the show) where week after week they try and fail to stop him. I guess we'll see.

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